Articles of Agreement - Youth Encampment

Believing that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God and the basic principle of cooperation and progress in Christian activities, we prayerfully submit to the Churches of the Northwestern Baptist Association that they maintain the following Articles of Agreement in behalf of our Baptist Young People.

Article I--Name

This fellowship shall be called the Northwestern Baptist Youth Encampment of the Churches of the Northwestern Baptist Association.

Article II--Purpose

The express purpose of this Encampment is to encourage cooperation and enthusiastic Christian activity among our Baptist Young People, and to promote their interest in all phases of our Associated work in which our churches have a vital interest.

Article III--Officers

SECTION 1. There shall be two sets of officers.

1. Youth Encampment Committee

A. There shall be no more than two committeemen from each church.

2. Youth Encampment Administrative Officers

SECTION 2. The Youth Encampment Committee Officers shall be:

1. Chairman

2. Assistant Chairman

3. Clerk

4. Assistant Clerk

5. Treasurer

6. Assistant Treasurer

7. Program Committee of three

SECTION 3. The Youth Encampment Administrative Officers shall be:

1. Camp Superintendent

2. Assistant Camp Superintendent

3. Camp Pastor

4. Assistant Camp Pastor

5. Recreational Manager

6. Assistant Recreational Manager

7. Registrar

8. Assistant Registrar

9. K.P. Co-Ordinator

10. Assistant K.P. Co-Ordinator

11. Food Administrator

12. Assistant Food Administrator

13. Counselors (one for boys, one for girls)

14. Assistant counselors

15. Dress Code Committee

16. Camp Nurse

17. Assistant Camp Nurse


1. CHAIRMAN: shall preside over all meetings of the body and carry out any other duty designated by the body.

2. ASSISTANT CHAIRMAN: Shall preside in the absence of, or at the request of, the Chairman.

3. CLERK: Shall record all business transacted and prepare the manuscript of said minutes for printing. This manuscript shall be surrendered to the Clerk of the Northwestern Association at the earliest possible date. The assembly minutes to be incorporated in the minutes of the Association.

4. ASSISTANT CLERK: shall fill the office of clerk in his or her absence.

5. TREASURER: shall receive, hold and disburse all funds as directed by the Encampment Committee and shall furnish the Encampment along with the Encampment Committee, a financial report.

6. ASSISTANT TREASURER: shall preside in the absence of the treasurer.

7. PROGRAM COMMITTEE: Shall prepare the camp program and arrange for teachers: and shall provide a time schedule for all organized events.



a. Shall be in charge of the administration of the camp each year.

b. Shall be responsible for the camp operations each year.

c. His cabin shall be in the most accessible location on the camp- ground.

2. ASSISTANT CAMP SUPERINTENDENT: shall preside in the absence of, or upon the request of, the Camp Superintendent.

3. CAMP PASTOR: Shall be responsible for filling the pulpit for services as set up by the program committee. He is also in charge of special worship programs.

4. ASSISTANT CAMP PASTOR: shall assist the Camp Pastor in any way possible.

5. RECREATIONAL MANAGER: shall organize all recreation and furnish suitable supervision, and shall be responsible for the storage of all equipment owned by the Encampment.

6. ASSISTANT RECREATIONAL MANAGER: shall fill the office of Recreational Manager in his absence, or as otherwise instructed by the manager.

7. REGISTRAR: shall enroll and record the name, age and home cabin of each camper and submit a copy to Camp Manager.

8. K.P. CO-ORDINATOR: shall select help to work in the kitchen as requested by the cooks.

9. FOOD ADMINISTRATOR: shall be responsible for menus, purchase, preparation and serving of food.

10. COUNSELORS: shall be husband and wife team when possible. They shall make daily inspection of living quarters. Husband and wife shall make inspection together; shall counsel with youth campers concerning their personal, public, or private problems. They shall select Cabin Counselors and direct placement of tenants, and see that all campers are accounted for.

11. ASSISTANT COUNSELORS: shall assist the counselors in any way needed.

12. CABIN COUNSELORS: shall keep order in their cabin, be responsible for cleanliness of cabin, give permission to campers in their cabin to enter because of good reason, but not to allow any campers to remain in quarters except as specified In Article VI, Section 3. They are responsible for cabin left in clean and orderly fashion at close of camp.

13. DRESS CODE COMMITTEE: This committee shall consist of the chairman of the Youth Encampment Committee, Camp Superintendent and counselors. The purpose of this committee shall be to check clothing to determine if it is acceptable.


1. COMMITTEE OFFICERS: shall be elected by the Youth Encampment Committee to serve in their respective capacities, beginning with the close of the present session, until the close of the session in which their successors shall have been elected.

2. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS: shall be chosen by the Youth Encampment Committee and shall serve in their respective positions beginning at the close of the next Youth Encampment.

Article IV--Powers

The powers of the assembly shall be limited to the will of the cooperating churches according to the teachings of the Scriptures; and the assembly in annual session shall elect such officers as are required for its work, and appoint such committees as are needed, and transact other business as may be directed by the Churches.

Article V--Meetings


The Assembly shall meet at such time and place as may be chosen by a special committee, elected by the Northwestern Encampment Committee.


Talent Hour be on a voluntary basis for participation, but a requirement for all youth on Thursday afternoon.



It is expected that everyone attending this camp shall conduct himself, or herself in such a way that Jesus Christ shall be exalted by such conduct. Each young person shall be personally responsible to the counselor assigned to his or her group. Any person who shall flout a sponsor or adult leader shall be dealt with by the Camp Superintendent. Each minor attending camp (under 18 years of age) must be accompanied by an adult sponsor who is able to transport that minor to his or her home if necessary.


Separate living quarters shall be provided for boys and girls. No boys shall be permitted in the girls' quarters, nor girls in boys' quarters.


Each young person is required to attend all services. He or she shall not remain in quarters unless physically unable to attend, and then he or she shall be under the care and charge of an adult sponsor.


The following shall serve as clothing guidelines:

1. Women and girls may wear loose fitting trousers when necessary, except when attending worship services.

2. No shorts for all campers above the knees.

3. All campers must be fully clothed at all times in public at camp.

Article VII--Camp Rules

Rules for each camp shall be set by the Youth Encampment Committee. These rules shall be read to all Youth Campers on the first evening of camp. The rules shall be posted at various locations of the camp area.

VIOLATION of these rules considered serious by the Superintendent may result in the offender being taken home.

ARTICLE VIII--Amendments

The Articles of Agreement may be amended provided the amendment is offered in writing to the clerk and to each messenger on the first day of the regular session and be permitted to lie over until some subsequent day of the session; and then it may be adopted by a majority vote.

Copyright 2025 Northwestern Association